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Home> Destinations> Europe> Athens> See> Plazas
  • Deksameni Square

    It is a small square where locals spend their time.

  • Egyptou Square

    It is an elegant square at the intersection of Patision Str. and Alexandra Av. with neoclassic and modernistic houses, typical examples of the area’s urban style.

  • Kafthmonos Square

    A spacious square with many remarkable buildings (Athens City Museum, former Naval Ministry building, Foreign Affairs Ministry Building, Aghioi Theodoroi Byzantine Church,etc) and many coffee houses.

  • Karitsi Square

    A small square that took its name from the church, built the middle of it.

  • Korai Square

    It is a small beautiful square built when the homonym street was reconstructed as pedestrian.

  • Kotzia Square

    It is located in front of the City Hall and it was formerly known as People’s Square or Ludwich Square.

  • Omonia Square

    It is a central square that stays "open" 24 hours a day, all year long. Contrary to Syntagma Square, Omonia stays awake since the first moment of its existence.

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