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Home> Destinations> Europe> Budapest> See> Historical

St. Stephen's Basilica

Updated: 2014-06-13 / (wtcf.travel)
[Photo from budapest.com]

Address: 1051 Budapest Szent István tér 1 Phone number: 336-1-311-0839

It is the largest church in Budapest, the 96-metre dome of which can be seen from virtually all parts of the city. The Basilica’s construction begun in 1851, before being taken over by Miklós Ybl, one of the leading architects of the time in 1867 and completed by József Kauser in 1905. The Classicist-style building houses Hungary’s most sacred relic: the Holy Right, which is the mummified right hand of St. Stephen, after whom the Basilica was named. Famous masterpieces in the church include statues by Alajos Stróbl and a painting of St. Stephen offering his country to the Virgin Mary by Gyula Benczúr.

[Photo from budapest.com]

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