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Home> Destinations> Europe> Budapest> See> Natural Scenery

Szemlőhegyi cave

Updated: 2014-06-13 / (wtcf.travel)

Address: 1025 Budapest, Pusztaszeri út 35.

Phone number: +36-325-6001

Opening hours: T-S: 10:00-16:00

Website: http://www.szemlohegyi.atw.hu/

Email address: szemlohegy@dinpig.hu

Prices: from 1000 HUF/person

The cave, currently explored in a length of 2200 ms, and placed under increased protection, is one of the most valuable natural treasures of Budapest.

It contains several spacious passages. It offers a variety of spectacular forms, and is richly ornamented with mineral precipitations. Visitors can tour about the hiking route of about 250 meters on comfortable concrete sidewalks and stairs, and can get familiarised with the pisolite precipitations and gypsum crystals, counting almost unparalleled in Europe, abundantly covering the walls, by an effect illumination, which enhances and makes perceivable the beauty of the images and formations of the cave passages. The clear, dust-free air of the cave makes the treatment of patients suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases possible.

In the reception building an exhibition is operating, showing the most important caves of the Buda Hills. The temperature is even all through the year, 12 Grade Celsius, therefore it is advised to put on warmer clothes in the summer time. The built-out hiking route can be visited in outdoor clothing. Wearing hiking boots is recommended.

There is no age-limit for visitors, and the cave tour is also possible with babies in perambulator or for persons in wheelchair. The duration of the tour is approx. 40 minutes.


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