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Home> Destinations> Europe> Budapest> See> Natural Scenery

Pálvölgyi cave

Updated: 2014-06-13 / (wtcf.travel)
[Photo from budapest.com]

Address: 1025 Budapest, Szépvölgyi út 162.

Phone number: +36-1-325-9505

Opening hours: T-S: 10:00-16:15

Website: http://palvolgyi.atw.hu

Email address: palvolgy@t-online.hu

Prices: from 1200 HUF/person

The dripstone-rich cave, the longest one in the Buda Hills and the third longest in the country, is a highly protected natural preservation area since 1944. Its length exceeds 7,200 meters; the vertical dimension is 104 m. The temperature is a constant 11 Celsius, so dress up well, bring hiking boots and expect to climb ladders.

[Photo from budapest.com]

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