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Home> Destinations> Europe> Budapest> Eat and Drink

Fuji Japanese Restaurant

Updated: 2014-06-17 / (wtcf.travel)

[Photo from budapest.com]

Address: 1025 Budapest, Csatárka u 54.

Phone number: +3613257111

Opening hours: a.m.12.00-p.m. 11.00 every day

Website: http://www.fujirestaurant.hu/?f=f&lang=en

Email address: restaurant@fujirestaurant.hu

Fuji Restaurant, tradition and quality for 20 years!

For over 20 years, Hungary's first and still the only real traditional Japanese restaurant with Japanese chef!

Authentic Japanese cuisine using only special quality raw materials daily that preserves and raises the natural flavor of traditonal japanese food.

To achieve a fantastic culinary experience Fuji Restaurant uses only fresh seasonal ingredients from the purest sea.

Fishes and meat are delivered fresh from different locations, the Spanish tuna from the South Sea, the black tiger prawn from Malaysia, squid from Normandy, beef sirloin steak from New Zealand.

It is a basic criteria to use fresh ingredients at all times.

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