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China Giant Salamander Biological Science and Technology Museum

Updated: 2014-07-11 / (wtcf.travel)


[Photo from zhangjiajie.gov.cn]

China Giant Salamander Biological Science and Technology Museum was built by the Zhangjiajie (China) Giant Salamander Biological Technology Co. Ltd. with an investment of 60 million yuan ($10 million). The museum, covering an area of 5,000 square meters, is a science and technology museum that integrates knowledge, interaction, scientific research and art. The museum is designed to fully present the legendary survival of the giant salamander - a rare species as mysterious as the dinosaurs yet has survived till today, as well as the geological evolution of the Zhangjiajie World Geological Park.

China Giant Salamander Biological Science and Technology Museum is divided into seven exhibition areas: Wide Spectrum of Life, Distribution of Giant Salamander, Ice Crystal, Ancient Seal, Home of Giant Salamander, Discovery of Giant Salamander and 4D Dynamic Cinema, each of which is furnished with multi-media equipment to provide tourists with the best experience. Visitors can make close contact with a giant salamander, the most primitive and the largest amphibian on earth, and you can explore its mystery, and learn about the impressive ancient creatures in "Jurassic Park". Moreover, you can experience the primitive forest where the giant salamander inhabit, where you will see beautiful mountains and rivers, deep caves and dense forests, steep valleys and challenging paths, and a variety of birds and flowers. The most amazing part is that you can enjoy a romantic journey with giant salamanders and mermaids in the 4D cinema.

China Giant Salamander Biological Science and Technology Museum can present to you the legends of life and biological mysteries in Zhangjiajie for millions of years, all within 60 minutes displayed by the use of modern technology.

Location: Baofeng Road, Wulingyuan district

Star rating of attraction: three-star tourist attraction



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