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Home> Destinations> Asia> Zhangjiajie

Bars Street in the Downtown of Zhangjiajie

Updated: 2014-07-11 / (zhangjiajie.gov.cn)

[Photo from zhangjiajie.gov.cn]

Zhangjiajie Bars Street is located on Jiefang Road, Zhangjiajie, and features the folk customs of Western Hunan. Dayong Prefectural City boasts China's first multi-national Intangible Cultural HeritageExhibition Hall and the Zhangjiajie Museum.

Walking along Dayong Bar Street at night, you will not only see the simple and supreme Tujia stilted buildings, magical and beautiful Miao buildings, romantic and colorful Dong shelter bridges and the mysterious and august Yao Panwang Building, but also the quiet and magnificent Bai three-buildings and one-screen. The five ethnic minorities have different customs but live harmoniously here, more like a miniature version of Western Hunan.


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