The Basilica of Notre-Dame is a stage on the annual pilgrimage from St James Way to Santiago de Compostela.
After centuries of turbulent history, the Basilica now belongs to the Roman Catholic Church.
The Basilica, built between 1852 and 1857 on the site of an old fortification, is the main place of worship for Geneva's Catholic community. Situated by the railway station, pilgrims stop there on their way to Santiago de Compostela. In June 1875, after the arrival in power of an anticlerical government, the Basilica was occupied, then closed. In 1911, the Catholic Church was able to buy it back. Built of the sandstone used for many buildings in Geneva, its architecture was inspired by the 12th century Gothic style.
Mobility Impaired access
Address: Place de Cornavin 1201 Genève
Situation: Town Centre - Railway Station
Direction:Lines: 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 14, 15, stop Gare Cornavin
6, 9, 10, 19, stop 22-Cantons
Email: notre-dame@
Tel.: +41 22 716 56 66