Leaning against the city’s ancient fortifications, the Reformation Wall keeps watch over the Parc des Bastions.
A stone’s throw from the Place de Neuve in an exceptionally beautiful park, Europe’s most important Protestant reformers are honoured with giant statues and bas-reliefs.
The Reformation Wall in the Parc des Bastions is an imposing monument. The major reformers are portrayed with giant statues and bas-reliefs. In the middle stand Jean Calvin, Guillaume Farel, Théodore de Bèze and John Knox. On the sides we find those who carried the Reformation across Europe. Geneva’s maxim ‘Post Tenebras Lux’ (light after darkness) is engraved into the wall because it also became the motto of the Reformation movement. At the park’s entrance lies the Place de Neuve with its buildings dedicated to art and culture
Address: Les Bastions 1204 Genève
Situation: Town Centre - Old Town
Direction: Lines: 3, 12, stop Place de Neuve