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Home> Destinations> Europe> Geneva> See> Museums

Bibliothèque d'art et d'archéologie du MAH

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (geneve-tourisme.ch)
[Photo from geneve-tourisme.ch]

Geneva Library of Art and Archeology, a major encyclopaedic resource.

The biggest Library of Art in Switzerland holds a wide variety of books related to all the museum’s activities.

Serving museums and the general public, Geneva Library of Art and Archaeology deserves its reputation as an encyclopaedic resource.

Its shelves are brimming with works on art history, art and design, archaeology, documentaries, exhibition and museum catalogues, as well as artists’ books and a large collection of old books.


Address: Promenade du Pin 5 1204 Genève

Situation: Town Centre - Old Town

Direction: Lines: 3, 5, 7, stop Athénée

Information: Web: www.ville-ge.ch/mah/

Email: info.baa(at)ville-ge.ch

Tel.: +41 22 418 27 00

Price: Admission free


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