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Home> Destinations> Europe> Brussels> Transportation

Transports in Brussels-Carpooling

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (visitbrussels.be)
Photo from visitbrussels.be

Carpoolplaza is Belgium’s largest carpooling platform, providing daily. 4500 carpool offers. Find now carpoolpartners and make your journey from and toward work more pleasant and economical.

More info : www.carpoolplaza.be

Eventpool Fun starts in your car!

Carpool or share a cab from and toward your favourite events (festivals, concerts, sport events, etc.). Share the fun, share your ride!

More info: www.eventpool.be

A product of Taxistop.

More : www.taxistop.be

Cambio : You need a car from time to time? Consider Cambio.

Pay as you drive! With Cambio carsharing, you have a car ready where you want, when you want and without the costs and bother of owning the car. You drive, Cambio takes care of the car.

More info: www.cambio.be



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