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Home> Destinations> Europe> Geneva> See> Parks and Gardens

A Symbol for Peace - The Broken Chair

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (geneve-tourisme.ch)

[Photo from geneve-tourisme.ch]

The giant ‘Broken Chair’, a work of art in wood, symbolises the campaign against landmines.

The chair stands on only three legs. Its image has travelled to all 4 corners of the globe making it one of the 21st century's most emblematic works of art.

‘Broken Chair’ is the work of sculptor Daniel Berset. It was made in 1997 for the NGO Handicap International. Its message is simple: remember the victims of landmines, urge your government to promote a ban on landmines. To illustrate this combat, the Broken Chair stands on three legs, the fourth being splintered half way up. The Chair stands proudly to a height of 12 metres and has an air of dignity.

Nearby: the European headquarters of the United Nations, guided tours.

Address: Place des Nations 1202 Genève

Situation: International District

Direction: Lines: 5, 8, 11, 15, 22, 28, F, V, Z, stop Nations


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