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Home> Destinations> Europe> Sofia> See> Parks and Gardens

The Zoo, Sofia City

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (bulgariatravel.org)

About 560 birds of 60 bird species live in the bird sector of the zoo. They can be seen by the visitors in their cages in the building of the pheasant farm, in the waterfowl lake and in the large aviary for the birds of prey. There they live and successfully have bred a couple of Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus), as well as Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) and Long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus). In the pheasant farm of the zoo one can many pheasant species (Phasianus), domestic chickens (Gallus gallus), Indian pea fowls (Pavo cristatus), Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) and other beautiful birds. Nocturnal birds of prey live there too, such as Eurasian Eagle - owls (Bubo bubo), Barn owls (Tyto alba), Earless owls (Strix) and Long-eared owls (Asio otus). The most exotic, colorful and noisy inhabitants of the pheasant farm are the parrots (Psittacidae). Some of them are rare and endangered, such as the Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna). The zoo is also home to the African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus erithacus), the Patagonian conures (Cyanoliseus patagonus), Afro–Asian Ringnecked parakeets (Psittacula), Cockatoo (Cacatua), Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) and Rosella (Platycercus).

A couple of the largest birds on the planet live in a separate cage – the Ostriches (Struthio camelus).

Some of the waterfowl birds that can be seen are the Great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus), Egyptian gooses (Alopochen aegyptiacus), Mandarin ducks (Aix galericulata), Wood ducks (Aix sponsa), and Swan gooses (Anser Cygnoides), Beijing duck, Crested Duck, Emerald duck, etc.

The terrarium in Sofia zoo is home to reptiles, amphibians and rodents. It houses 12 snake species, 3 frog species, 3 dragon lizard and lizard species. Quite attractive is the rare blue-tongue lizard. Interesting for the collectors are the royal snakes. Only one of the snake species is poisonous – the western blue-nosed African snake.

The aquarium is one of the most attractive sectors. It shows over 80 fish species. The tropical fishes from Asia, Africa, and South America are of great interest for the visitors of the zoo. Here visitors can also see the unique Dipnoi fish, which is a rare kind. The most interesting for the young visitors is the clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) in the sea aquarium, which is a reef, with real living corals.

There are board signs, placed for the convenience of the tourists, telling interesting information about the exhibited species.

The Zoo of Sofia is engaged in environmental activities by participating actively in national and international programs for rare and endangered species breeding.

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