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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> See> Historical


Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)

[Photo from visitseoul.net]

Jingwansa, which is located in Bukhansan National Park, is a temple established by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. It was established in 1011 to repay the great Buddhist priest Jingwan for saving King Hyeon-jong's life when he was young. This is the only temple in Seoul which serves 'Suryukje' (a Buddhist ceremony which provides food and Buddha's teachings to spirits and starved demons who wander the land and sea) and provides training facilities for biguni (female monks). Jingwansa offers a templestay program where visitors can stay at the temple and experience Buddhist temple culture firsthand.

Transportation Information

Subway Line 6 Yeonsinnae Stn. Exit 3. Take bus no. 7211 or 701.

Line 3 Yeonsinnae Stn. Exit 3. Take bus no. 7211 or 701.

Line 3 gupabal Stn. Exit 3. Take bus no. 7723.

Address: 73, Jingwan-gil, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul

Phone: +82-2-359-8410

Website: www.jinkwansa.org

Hours of Operation: Sunrise to sunset.

Parking: Free parking at the entrance. 



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