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The Tteok (Rice Cake) Museum

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)
[Photo from visitseoul.net]

The Tteok Museum is located on the third floor of the Institute of Traditional Korean Food, which is an important research and educational institute dedicated to traditional Korean cuisine. It informs visitors all about traditional Korean rice cakes called "tteok." It covers the history and the process of making tteok, as well as exhibiting old Korean cooking utensils. And best of all, the museum gives visitors an opportunity to taste these delicious Korean desserts. Many of the displays were originally collected by Yun Sukja who is a director of this museum. There is also a traditional Korean tea café on the first floor of the museum, which offers visitors a perfect tea time with delicious Korean rice cake.

The Traditional Kitchen Utensil Museum

Situated on the second floor, the Traditional Kitchen Utensil section displays the traditional Korean table settings used for special occasions, such as New Year's and birthdays, as well as a display of traditional Korean kitchen utensils. Visitors can also appreciate the private collections of old kitchen utensils owned by Yun Sukja. Visitors can learn about the Korean cuisine but also its history and changes through time.

The Tteok Museum

The museum is divided into two galleries on the third floor at the Institute of Traditional Korean Food. The two galleries display various rice cakes, including seasonal rice cakes, which are served as ceremonial and party food during the national holidays, New Year's and seasonal festivals in Korea. It also introduces the preparation of rice cakes alongside traditional utensils used by the ancient Koreans throughout Korean history.

Address: 71, Donhwamun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Phone: +82-2-741-5447

Website: www.kfr.or.kr/eng/index.htm (English)


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