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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> See> Museums

National Museum of Korea

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)

[Photo from visitseoul.net]

The six-story building of the National Museum of Korea is ranked as the sixth largest museum in the world. The museum building is constructed so as to withstand violent oscillation in an earthquake. The architectural style harmoniously blends traditional and contemporary styles. It was built to house more than 140,000 national relics and artifacts, and also to serve as a complex cultural facility with a sculpture garden, open plaza and outdoor exhibition area. Also, artificial falls, streams, and green fields have been cultivated to create a beautifully landscaped space for visitors.

Transportation Information

Subway Jungang Line Ichon Stn. 150 m towards Yongsan Family Park from Exit 2

Line 4 Ichon Stn. 150 m towards Yongsan Family Park from Exit 2

Bus National Museum. Yongsan Family Park

502 0018, 8620 (주말맞춤버스)

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