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National Museum of Korean Contemporary History

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)

[Photo from visitseoul.net]

About On December 26, 2012, Korea’s first national contemporary history museum opened its doors to the public. The museum presents over 1,500 relics benchmarking Korean history in the arenas of politics, economy, society, and culture, with a focus on the period from the end of 19th century when the nation opened its ports to the outside world to today.

The permanent exhibition consists of four distinct periods in modern Korean history that presents the story of the Korean miracle: how Korea was able to transform itself from one of the poorest to one of the most developed countries in the world in just sixty years. International visitors and especially students who are interested in learning about Korea's amazing progress and its future place in world history will definitely want to make a point to visit.

Facilities for the Disabled Free wheelchair rental (2 wheelchairs)


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