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Starry Night, Gyeongbokgung Palace

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)

But, there is no need to wait another 20 years to experience the magnificence of the grand palace. Though you can visit Gyeongbokgung year round during the day, it is only possible to visit during the evening for a limited number of nights throughout the year. Gyeongbokgung during the day is a wonderful experience, but it is no match to the stunning rare night views. The palace grounds, including Geunjeongjeon (Throne Hall) and Gyeonghoeru Pavilion (where the king threw feasts for foreign envoys and his court officials), will be illuminated with colorful lights to create an utmost beautiful night scene that can't be missed. The Gyeonghoeru Pavilion, which sits atop pond, is expected to be the most stunning night view.

Twice a year, Gyeongbokgung Palace remains open for evening hours from 19:00~22:00. Advance reservations aren't required, but recommended. Tickets can be reserved on a first-come first-served basis (1,000 per day), or can be purchase on-site (500 per day). More information regarding ticketing and reservations below.

If you're in Seoul during this time, do NOT miss this great opportunity! The breathtaking night view of Gyeongbokgung Palace is definitely not something you'd want to miss.


- Extended evening hours from April 30 - May 12, 2014 at Gyeongbokgung Palace

- Extended evening hours from April 29 - May 11, 2014 at Changgyeonggung Palace


Venue Gyeongbokgung (Palace)

Address 1-1 Sejong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Phone +82-2-120

Date(s) 2014-04-30 ~ 2014-05-12

Website www.royalpalace.go.kr

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