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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Experience> Festivals

Music at the Royal Palace

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)

One of a kind music 「Jongmyo Jeryeak with Commentary」

Jongmyo jeryeak (Jongmyo Royal Ancestral Confucian Memorial Ceremony Music) is a ceremonial music that is dedicated to all kings of Joseon Dynasty. Jongmyo jeryeak was registered as the first Korea Cultural Heritage and is also registered with UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage. It is difficult to listen the Jongmyo jeryeak aside from when it is annually performed at Jongmyo (Royal Shrine) once a year. 「Jongmyojeryeak with a commentary」 offers visitors the opportunity to not only listen to, but also to understand the history and culture of Jongmyo jeryeak through commentaries.

Venue Changdeokgung,Deoksugung, Gyeongbokgung, Jongmyo

Address Changdeokgung Jongno-gu, Jongno

Phone +82-2-780-3275

Date(s) 2014 Dates TBA

Website www.ktpaf.org

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