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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Experience> Sports and Recreations

Seoul World Cup Stadium

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)

One of the top ten soccer stadiums in the world

Seoul World Cup Stadium is also famous for its aesthetic value. In 2003, the UK Construction Industry Training Board named Seoul World Cup Stadium one of the world’s "Top 10 Best Football Stadiums" in the international football magazine, “World Soccer”. In the article, Seoul World Cup Stadium is praised as an architectural wonder beyond a stadium. Architecturally designed to represent the image of a traditional Korean kite and sailboat, Seoul World Cup Stadium signifies the hope for victory as well as Korean traditions.

The stadium also boasts a 25m x 9.2m scale digital screen, enabling the audience to view games vividly and clearly. The digital screen also displays the speed of the moving ball and the atmospheric conditions of the stadium (temperature, humidity, and wind velocity). A high quality digital sound system automatically controls the volume depending on the environmental sound conditions, maintaining an agreeable sound quality and preventing long reverberations or echos. Restrooms are also located on all floors in convenient locations, perfect for spectators who have little time to tear themselves away from the game.

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