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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> See> Themed Routes

Hanseong Baekje Kingdom Course

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)

[Photo from visitseoul.net]

[Photo from visitseoul.net]

Pungnaptoseong Fortress and Mongchontoseong Fortress in Songpa-gu, are wonderful places to take a walk, perhaps the most beautiful in all of Seoul. They are very close to the Hangang (River), making them easily accessible by bicycle. The open grassy fields and green scenery are perfect for picnics with family, friends, or a date. Why not drop by if you are nearby and take a leisurely stroll around the park. Despite its popularity, very few people know that the park was once the center of Baekje, an ancient Korean dynasty. The Hanseong Baekje Palace Road was built to raise public awareness of this fact. Let’s learn more about the Baekje Dynasty, a kingdom that flourished over 2,000 years ago.

The most important sector of the path, and the longest, follows the two earthen fortresses through an area widely known as Monchontoseong Fortress, which is also called Pungnaptoseong Fortress or Olympic Park, situated right outside Cheonho Subway Station. The two earthen fortresses were built during the Baekje Dynasty, an ancient kingdom that flourished on the Korea Peninsula from approximately 18BC to 660AD. The Hanseong Baekje Palace Road takes you to both the fortresses, telling the tale of a magnificent ancient kingdom.


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