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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Experience> Art Venues

Art Sonje Center

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)
[Photo from visitseoul.net]

Art Sonje Center is a six-story art museum which also features a small theater, café and art shop. Originally a hanok (traditional Korean house), the building was converted into an art center in 1995 and is famous for exhibiting the best work from new and established artists. The center has a policy of including the work of emerging artists in its shows as a way of promoting new talent.

Traditional and contemporary architecture existing in perfect harmony

Designed by the architect Kim Jongsung, the Art Sonje building comprises galleries, a lobby, a small theater, a restaurant and a cinema, with 3 floors above ground and 3 below. The main exhibition halls are arranged within one large space which gives the flexibility to accommodate a wide variety of shows. The staircase leading to the exhibition halls has a large picture window offering scenic views of the nearby Samcheong-dong area.


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