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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> See> Themed Routes

Companion Series Experiencing Seoul

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visitseoul.net)



When you look at recent tourism trends, it seems like more and more visitors to Seoul want to do more than just see interesting places and events – they want to participate in them, too! Lucky for you, Seoul has many of these “hands-on” activities where foreign guests can enjoy a memorable experience while learning about traditional Korean culture and events. Be it learning how to make Korean food or handicrafts, or witnessing the latest consumer digital devices, this course will show the many exciting ways to experience Seoul “hands-on!”


Course Overview

We’ll start our tour in the popular Myeong-dong neighborhood at the Seoul Kimchi Academy House. The experience is popular for its classes on how to make the Korean staple, condiment! Next up, we’ll make our way to the traditional Insa-dong neighborhood, where we’ll learn how to drink traditional Korean tea at the Beautiful Tea Museum, and then we’ll make some gifts with traditional Korean paper at the Hanji & People craft workshop. Afterwards, it’s just a short walk to Gyeongbokgung (Palace), where we’ll witness up-close the colorful changing of the palace guard. When that wraps up, it’s time to take the subway to southern Seoul’s Gangnam-gu (District) where we’ll visit Samsung’s D’Light digital entertainment facility. Finally, we’ll wrap things up in style with a very hands-on experience at one of Seoul’s best spas!

Are you ready to not just see Seoul, but to do it? Well, then…

Let's Get Started!

1 2 3 ... 8 >


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