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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Shopping> Shopping Areas

Techno Mart

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)

[photo from visitseoul.net]

Techno Mart is Korea’s largest electronics shopping center and offers a wide range of lifestyle and leisure equipment, from home appliances to high tech IT equipment, all at reasonable prices.


Paradise of electronic goods

A huge shopping complex covering an area of 9,900 km², Techno Mart is Korea’s largest electronics shopping center, housing 2,000 stores packed with high-tech products. It offers a variety of electronic goods including digital cameras, computers, MP3 players, sound systems, CDs, DVDs, communication equipment, IT equipment and more. In order to provide a differentiated service in the style of a department store with product-specific marketing, the center displays each item with labeled prices and provides high-class service for customers. Undoubtedly, it has grown to become a must for fans of electronics and technology from all over the world.


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