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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Shopping> Shopping Areas

Garosu-gil, Gangnam

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)


[photo from visitseoul.net]

Garosu-gil, the Soho of Seoul

Considered the Soho of Seoul, Garosu-gil was where aspiring Korean artists used to set up their studios, away from the more expensive Gangnam districts. Now it has become lined with Asian and European fusion restaurants and cafes, latest fashion and designer clothing and accessory boutiques, art galleries and nightclubs.

This 700 meter-long boulevard lined with gingko trees can be especially pleasant (or romantic) for pedestrians (or for couples) out for a stroll in autumn, as the golden gingko leaves imbue the visitors with an indelible sense of warmth and nostalgia. Contrary to some of the crowded hustle-and-bustle shopping districts like Myeongdong, Garosu-gil offers a welcome change of pace, and is particularly suited for trend-spotting while latté-sipping.

Ambling along, visitors may browse the designer boutiques then settle down at quaint restaurants that give the street a classy, privileged atmosphere. Art galleries further color these roads, as do the fashionable people that you are bound to see.


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