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Ewha Women’s University Fashion Street

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)


[photo from visitseoul.net]

The area around Ewha Women’s University, Korea’s famous women’s university, is commonly called Ewha Women’s University Fashion Street. This district features a number of stalls lining the streets selling fashion items, such as clothing, shoes and accessories, for young women. It offers a distinctive shopping experience, with all the fun of a “shop-crawl” from stall to stall and store to store along the narrow alleyways.


Enjoying a stall-crawl in every alley

This street is a popular fashion destination for young women. Compared to other areas, it has many more items aimed at young women from late teens to early 20s. Walking down from Ewha Women’s University subway station to the main entrance of Ewha Women’s University, and turning into an alley on the left, there are a number of street stalls lining the street. Furthermore, the alley on the right side of the main entrance to the university contains many designer shops as well.


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