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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Shopping> Shopping Areas

Apgujeong Rodeo Street

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)


[photo from visitseoul.net]

Apgujeong is Seoul's luxury fashion mecca. And in the center of Apgujeong's fashion world is Rodeo Street. The name and concept of Apgujeong's Rodeo Street takes after the Beverly Hill fashion street, Rodeo Drive. It's where fashion can be met first and on a daily basis, and where new trends and culture can be experienced.

The beginning of Rodeo Street is located across the street from the Galleria Department Store. The entrance of the street is marked with a special archway. Past the archway is a multitude of shops, both featuring fashion from Korean brands and international designer labels. Shopping ranges from the extremely affordable to luxury labels. You can get a t-shirt for as low as 10,000 won, or a designer one for 100,000 won! The beauty of Rodeo Street is that you can experience all sorts of shopping.

Rodeo Street is also filled with cafes, restaurants, and bars, making it fun to visit during the day and at night.


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