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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Shopping> Markets

Ttukseom Nanumjangteo

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)

[photo from visitseoul.net]

Ttukseom Nanumjangteo or Ttukseom Beautiful Flea Market is the nation's biggest outdoor market for secondhand goods. The market is held annually from March to October at Hangang (River) Park in the Ttukseom district. Since the market was launched in 2004, Ttukseom Nanumjangteo has become a place where local citizens can engage in sharing and helping others through recycling and reusing goods, and many people take part. Vendors must apply online in advance, and although it might be difficult for foreign visitors to participate themselves, there is certainly no restriction from looking around or purchasing goods.


Treasure hunting

Ttukseom Nanumjangteo has been the largest regular flea market in Korea since 2004. People can sell their used items themselves and usually donate more than 10% of the profits they make. The market has become a goodwill flea market where ordinary citizens can obtain what they need or pass on what they no longer need and donate profits to help the underprivileged.

Donations are used to help underprivileged children, such as child laborers in third world countries and children working to support their families, through the charity “Beautiful store”.

To take part in Ttukseom Nanumjangteo, online registration is required via http://www.flea1004.com/Market/w_ma_020.aspx. The market consists of a children's market, group market and citizens' market. A participant who sells food or illegal pirated goods will receive warnings. If more than three warnings are given, the participant will be banned. Therefore the quality of goods sold here is higher than in any other markets. The registration period runs from three weeks to one week before the market opens.


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