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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Shopping> Markets

Sungin-dong Flea Market

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)


[photo from visitseoul.net]

Sungin-dong Flea Market started life in the late 1980s. Every day an array of street stalls open up along the stone walls of Dongmyo Park. The main items bought and sold here are antiques of every type, including items such as wallets, electronics, old books, film posters etc. Recently vintage clothing and shoes have become the main area of interest. Prices are typically around 1,000 won so you can have fun browsing and shopping without worrying about the cost.


Enjoy bargain hunting

Items in Sungin-dong Flea Market are normally priced around 1,000 won. There are all kinds of items from everyday miscellaneous goods to antiques. If you get peckish while shopping, boiled duck's eggs cost just 1,500 won each or Bindaetteok (mung bean pancake) make very satisfying snacks. The market is always crowded with people on weekends. 


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