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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Accommodation> Guesthouses

WWOOF Korea Guesthouse

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)
[Photo from visitseoul.net]

We are located in Seoul and run both the WWOOF Korea office and this guesthouse. This house is what we call a hanok, a Korean traditional house with a small green garden. It is located in Bukchon, nestled among Gyeongbok Palace, Changdeok Palace (UNESCO World Heritage site), and Jongmyo Royal Shrine. Bukchon has the largest area of Hanok houses in Seoul and, is one of the most beautiful residential districts in Korea. There are lots of historical spots and cultural heritage sites, galleries and cafes along the small alleys that meander like a maze. Excellent access to both traditional area and downtown Seoul.


Email: wwoofkorea@yahoo.co.kr

Language: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese

Phone: 02-723-4510 / 010-7623-4458 (Kim Hyeran) / 010-8223-4510 (Kota Fukuyama)


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