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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Accommodation> Camping

Seoul Grand Park Campground

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)
[Photo from visitseoul.net]

Nestled within the crystal clear streams and lush green forest of Cheonggyesan (Mountain), there are a total of 150 camping sites at the Seoul Grand Park Campground. All camping equipment is available for rent, so tourists can conveniently go camping during their visit to Seoul. Want to experience camping, but don't really feel like spending the night? Just pay the entrance fee and have an afternoon picnic and dip in the stream.

Season: March 15 ~ November 30 (※2014 dates TBA)

Check in/out:

Daytime camping 09:00 ~ 19:00

Overnight camping 13:00 ~ 11:00 the next day


Admission: Adults 2,000KRW / Adolescent 1,500KRW / Children 1,000KRW (Free admission for children under 5 and seniors over 65 years of age)

Tent rental: 15,000KRW (online reservation required)

Mat (single) : 1,000KRW

※ sleeping bags can be rented at the convenience store


Seoul Grand Park is a non-smoking facility. Violaters will be fined.

Personal tents, partitions and other camping furniture are prohibited.

Pets, bicycles, and vehicles are not allowed on camping ground.

Actions will be taken for disorderly conduct.

Tel: +82-2-500-7870


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