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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Accommodation> Camping

Noeul Campground

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)
[Photo from visitseoul.net]

Noeul means "sunset" in Korean, and Noeul Park got its name because here you can experience a gorgeous, expansive panorama of the city as well as views of the Han River, Bukhansan (Mountain), and more, making any sunset breathtaking.

This spot is particularly special because it boasts camping grounds, where a camping festival as well as a family camping program took place last year. The park takes up a vast amount of space with over a million pyeong, and there are the camp sites are equipped with wood stoves, electrical outlets, outdoor tables, and even electric blanket and other amenities.

There's even a 9-hole golf course on the premises.

Noeul Park offers gorgeous views of Seoul, including the Han River as well as amazing sunsets. It also offers camping spaces with such amenities as wood stoves, electrical outlets, outdoor tables and other facilities.

Transportation World Cup Stadium Station (line 6), exit 1. Get on Maeul Bus 8776 near the south gate of World Cup Stadium.

When coming by car, take Gangbyeon Expressway and get off at Sangam DMC, and enter the park using the road between Haneul Park and Noeul Park.

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