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Home> Destinations> Asia> Jakarta> See> Historical

The National Monument

Updated: 2014-07-25 / (jakarta-tourism.go.id)

The National Monument stands proudly in the center of the 1 square kilometer Merdeka Square, symbolizing the hard-fought struggle of the Indonesian people to gain their Independence.

Obelisk-shaped and covered in white Italian marble with a golden fire on the top, the Monument is 132 meters tall and stands on a platform which houses a museum and diorama encapsulating the history of the Republic of Indonesia.

The golden flame is 14 meters high with a 6 meter diameter. Made of bronze weighing 14.5 tons, it is covered with 50 kg of pure gold leaf. Its base is a platform at a height of 115 meters, which can be reached by elevator and is a perfect look-out place to see the Jakarta skyline.

The Monument is surrounded by a green park where spotted deer can be seen grazing. There is also a musical fountain that plays each Sunday night.

On Sundays, the area becomes an open park where Jakarta’s inhabitants are free to bike, jog and play games.

The Monument is often used for Festivals including New Year’s Eve celebrations.

The National Monument was designed and built in 1961 by Indonesian architects and engineers Soedarsono, Silaban and Roosseno.


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