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Crafts Revisited

Updated: 2014-07-30 / (visitmorocco.com)

[Photo from visitmorocco.com]

[Photo from visitmorocco.com]

[Photo from visitmorocco.com]

Moroccan craftsmen quickly adapted to the tastes of customers who like modernity. Design, colors and age-old knowledge are now used to benefit modern trends.

Pastel colors

What could be more traditional than babouche slippers? And yet the most recent designs for women can be dyed in pastel or even bright electro colors. Who would have thought you could one day dance to techno in babouches while still being cool?! All leather goods are influenced by this laid-back modernism: handbags or travel bags can now be dyed acid fuchsia, electric blue or fluorescent yellow!

Successful adaptation

Jewelry boxes can be adapted to the latest fashions. Even though they use the same wood- and metal-working techniques, they look less and less like ethnic objects. As a result of serious design consideration, you are offered the same quality, but with shapes and patterns anchored firmly in the present.

Intersection of influences

You will come across designers who have adapted to the present without turning their back on the work of their ancestors. This is especially the case with jewelers, who, between traditional production and innovatively designed pieces, revisit Berber jewelry giving it that dash of creativity making it possible to wear anywhere. The same boldness has opened new perspectives in the textile sector. This is a sign ok Morocco firm stance in this century without abandoning the aspects which give it its profound identity.


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