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Home> Destinations> Asia> Mudanjiang> Shopping

Mudanjiang Sino-Russian-Korean Souvenir Mall

Updated: 2014-08-01 / (wtcf.travel)

Mudanjiang Sino-Russian-Korean Souvenir Mall is located at No 10,Taiping Road in downtown Mudanjiang. The mall covers an area of more than 900 square meters and is divided into several departments. There is a Tourist Souvenir Department, Tourism Crafts Department, Art Gallery of Snow City, Local Specialty Department, and Exhibition Hall of Pure Crafts, Calligraphy and Paintings of Russia, North Korea and South Korea. Tourists can find everything ranging from food, medicine, and cosmetics to calligraphy and other handicrafts.

Tel: 13604830000

Address: No. 10, Taiping Road, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province

Fax: 0453-6278087

Postal Code: 157000

E-mail: cwj5678@126.com

Company Website: http://www.elsyhw.com


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