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Home> Destinations> Asia> Wuhan> See> Parks and Gardens

The Agriculture Life Garden

Updated: 2014-08-04 / (wtcf.travel)

 Photo from gotowuhan.com.cn

The Agriculture Life Garden is a national AAA tourist area full of beautiful scenery of the countryside.

The garden also features local farming culture. It includes 12 scenic areas and 45 natural and cultural scenic spots for tourists to experience country life.

Address: Wuhu Farm, Huangpi District (beside Hanshi Highway)

Transportation: Get there after passing through Yangluo Bridge, Tianxingzhou Bridge, Hanshi Highway, Hanying Highway and Julong Road by Bus No 293 or 1121.

Ticket: 50 yuan /person ($9)

Hotline: 61818595, 61818518

Web: http://www.jhngnh.com


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