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Home> Destinations> Asia> Wuhan> See> Historical

Qiyi Gate

Updated: 2014-08-04 / (wtcf.travel)

Photo from xinhuanet.com

Qiyi Gate, formerly known as Zhonghe Gate, was one of ancient Wuchang’s nine city gates and one of three major gates south of Wuchang.The Qiyi Gate (Uprising Gate) was recovered in 1981 and is 7.1m high and 5m wide. The gate tower is in a reinforced concrete wood-like,Chinese-style structure with an inscription by Ye Jianying (a former senior Communist leader). Qiyi Gate witnessed the outbreak of Wuchang Uprising on Oct 10, 1911, which sparked the Revolution of 1911. The revolutionary army bombarded Huguang Praetorium by setting up Fort Barbette on the gate tower and opened the north-south traffic fortress.

Qiyi Gate is on the southern tip of Wuchang Shouyi Road in Wuhan city.It is adjacent to tourist attractions like the Tower of Yellow Crane, Guiyuan Temple, Wuchang Recreational Waterfront, and the Snake Mountain. It is near the Wuchang Railway Station and 6km to Wuhan Passenger Port. It is 36km to Tianhe Airport. Visitors can get there by Bus No 514, 566 or 738.


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