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Home> Destinations> Asia> Altay> Experience> Sports and Recreations

Xiaodonggou Ski Resort

Updated: 2014-08-11 / (lyj.alt.gov.cn)

This sits to the northwest of Altay, about 10 kilometers away from the downtown area, with a No1 Bus terminal at the entrance, and very convenient transportation. It has the Dadonggou and Xiaodonggou forest areas to the west and three AAA birch forest parks to the east. The resort covers a broad terrain of 300,000 square meters and has one 400-meter beginner tail, a 350-meter intermediate trail, three 220-meter sled trails, and two cableways, more than sets of 400 skis, 100 ice skates, 100 sleds, one snowmobile, a 5000-square meter skating rink, a snow grader, and other basic facilities and can handle 300 people at a time.

Contact: Wang Jingsheng

Tel.: +86 090-6281-9223

Cell: 138-9941-6088

Address: Altay Xiaodonggou Ski Resort


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