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Home> Destinations> Europe> Sofia> To Know

Sofia travel guide

Updated: 2014-08-11 / (sofia-guide.com)

Tweet Sofia-Guide.com is an online travel guide about Sofia and the region and it is dedicated to all Sofia visitors that are planning their trip to Sofia or searching for partners and suppliers in Bulgaria. In this information guide we are trying to provide as much information as possible about: the tourist attractions that you can see here, museums and galleries that you can visit during your stay in Sofia or to help you find a hotel in Sofia, rent a car, travel from one destination to another or within the city.

Once here in Sofia, you can use our city guide to find what to do, where to go at night – clubs, restaurants, bars, casinos, etc. Of course if you need to buy something for yourself, your friends or relatives you can do that by selecting a store from our “Shopping” section.

There is something for everybody, we have all the points of interest related to kids, students, and expats who live in Sofia and need information about spa centers, gyms, hair dressers, hospitals, laboratories etc.

Last but not least we have Business related information for the foreign investors, for the businessman that would like to form a company in Bulgaria, enter the Bulgarian market or just looking for partners in Bulgaria.

Should you need information about Bulgaria or specific information about Sofia you can check the articles section located at the home page of the Sofia Travel Guide.

Now you can go ahead and browse the category you need. Have a nice time in Sofia!


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