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The Central Bath

Updated: 2014-08-11 / (sofia-guide.com)

[Photo from sofia-guide.com]

Behind the TZUM shopping mall there are a number of interesting historical sites, one of these being the Central Mineral Bath. With its colorful ceramic mosaics on the facades, it is a landmark in the center of Sofia.

The building plan of the Central Mineral Bath was created by by the architects Petko Momchilov and Friedrich Grünanger and was approved in January 1906. The design incoroprated the Vienna Secession style and at the same time integrated the typical Bulgarian, Byzantine and Eastern Orthodox ornamental elements. The base construction was completed in 1908 and the bath was opened to the public in 1911 as a public bath with separate facilities for men and women, but the official opening took place two years later on 13 May 1913. Then it took them another two years before the building was completely finished and a garden installed in front of the Baths.

During World War II, the north wing of the building suffered huge damage during the bombing of Sofia. It was restored several years later and continued to work as public baths until 1986, when it was closed due to its bad condition and some reasonable concerns about the stability of the roof.

It is currently being refurbished and will eventually house the first City Museum dedicated to the History of Sofia as well as be used as a hydrotherapy center. The locals queue everyday to collect the warm mineral water at the tapped springs in the park area. There are some benches in the garden where you can sit and enjoy the atmosphere.


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