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Home> Destinations> Asia> Altay> See> Parks and Gardens

Altay Gold Mountain Ecological Grape Scenic Area

Updated: 2014-08-18 / (wtcf.travel)

[Photo from lyj.alt.gov.cn]

Situated 1 kilometer southwest of Altay city proper, the Gold Mountain Ecological Grape Scenic Area covers an area of over 2,500 mu (167 hectares). Having been recognized as a national 3A scenic area and a Model Farm Tourism Site in 2005, it is now a first class, comprehensive ecological sightseeing spot.

Supported by the National Barren Mountain Greening Policy and with regional and municipal support, Altay Bus Transportation Corporation has, since 2002, made a total investment of over 8.7 million yuan into the Gold Mountain Ecological Grape Scenic Area. Thirty-five new species of trees such as Rowan trees, black currants, Yellow Maple trees and Acerginnalas have been introduced into the scenic area, whose green area has therefore increased to 500 mu. The building of the reception center, grape gallery, campfire square and other facilities has transformed the former wasteland into a beautiful, well-equipped tourism site. Pollution-free vegetables and fruits are developed here, aiming to take the lead as Model Ecological Products. By attracting plenty of visitors with its rustic charm, the Gold Mountain Ecological Grape Scenic Area has created good economic and social benefits. In 2007, it received more than 30,000 visitors, made 800,000 yuan ($130,000) in tourism revenue and provided jobs for 78 people.

The scenic area plans to make an investment of 500,000 yuan in 2008, which will be used to build a 100-square-meter performing arts hall.



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