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Escape to Ain Sukhna

Updated: 2014-08-21 / (egypt.travel)

Ain Sukhna Trip

The Red Sea is an Hour Away

At about an hour drive only from Cairo, turquoise waters and relaxing resorts await in the tranquil town of Ain Sukhna. If you're heading to Egypt but aren't spending time on the Red Sea coast, the proximity of Ain Sukhna gives you the opportunity to enjoy a mini beach getaway. Head to the resorts and play some golf, or wind down in one of the spas; enjoy the water side activities, or explore the desert mountains that give the area its name. In Arabic, Ain Sukhna means hot spring and there are quite a few sulphur springs in the nearby Ataka Mountain. You can also easily head out to the Eastern Desert monasteries of St. Paul and St. Anthony, or the Suez Canal from Ain Sukhna.


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