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Home> Destinations> Asia> Tianjin> See> Historical

Jinwan Square

Updated: 2014-12-05 / (exploringtianjin.com)

Situated in Heping District, Jinwan Square is a high-end business and commercial area integrated with modern and European building style. The total floor area of the project is 750 000 sq. m, of which 486 000 sq. m is above ground and 264 000 sq. m is below ground and the total investment is about 9.3 billion yuan.

The total floor area of Phase I project of Jinwan Square is 171 000 sq. m, consisting of 5 underground commercial facilities and underground commercial streets. And such business forms as theatre, cinema, high-end catering, entertainment and leisure and fashion shopping. Phase II project will be built in 2012. The project will turn into a 24h nightless town as an important project to power the growth of Tianjin’s service industry.


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