The Three-Hero Island Park (战地观光园) is the central tourist attraction on Dadeng Dao. It is one of the most thought-provoking spots in the contemporary history of China. The remnants of the Chinese civil war are vivid reminders of the struggle between the armed forces of the KMT of Taiwan and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of Mainland China to gain the upper hand and control China’s central government.
The Three-Hero Island Park (战地观光园) is the central tourist attraction on Dadeng Dao. It is one of the most thought-provoking spots in the contemporary history of China .
Post war Dadeng, on the other hand, is one of the most peaceful places in China, though it is bustling in Taiwanese goods and direct trade between the two old enemies right here on the border of Taiwan and Fujian Province.
A tour of the restored battlefield is a journey back in time. The big guns are still there —the long-range cannon, the batteries of the anti-aircraft guns and smaller weaponry are all on display.