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Home> Destinations> Africa> Abuja> Transportation

Fuel Servicing

Updated: 2015-01-16 / (abujacity.com)

Petrol stations in Abuja are not self service; you will be assisted by an attendant. Therefore, when filling up at the local petrol stations, be sure to get out of the vehicle and monitor the sale in progress. It has been known for attendants to tell customers they have reached the agreed sale amount when in fact, they have not and then pocket the difference. They have also been known to fail to “zero out” the last purchase before pumping so the driver pays for the last customer’s gas as well. The best time to purchase petrol in Abuja is either early on weekday mornings or at weekends when there are fewer people in town.

Petrol shortages are quite common place. Some cities suffer persistent shortages, so it is wise for travellers to try and ascertain the availability of fuel at the destination prior to embarking on long journeys. In an attempt to stop the black market sale of fuel, the government is preventing petrol stations from filling jerry cans. This has made the purchase of extra fuel for emergency situations more difficult.

- See more at: http://www.abujacity.com/abuja_and_beyond/getting-around-abuja-city.html#sthash.Ut6Iy8rH.dpuf


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