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Home> Destinations> Asia> Altay> Eat and Drink> Local Cuisine

Mutton Stewed Pancake

Updated: 2015-02-01 / (lyj.xjalt.gov.cn)


Mutton stewed pancake is a famous dish in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. It symbolizes high standards if people cater to guests using this dish in old times. The way to cook this dish is as follows.

First, you chop the mutton (with bones) into small cubes and braise it in soy sauce. While braising the mutton, you can begin preparing the pancakes. The pancakes for this dish are usually the same size as the pan.

The pancake is also special because ideally it needs to be as thin as a piece of paper. Second, you paint oil on each piece of pancake and stack them up. Third, when the meat is ready, you place the pancakes on top of the meat and cover the pan. After stewing, the dish is ready to eat.

If you like, you can also pour the soup when you stew the mutton and put it on top of the pancakes, which will give you a special flavor.


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