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Horse racing

Updated: 2015-02-01 / (lyj.xjalt.gov.cn)

Horse racing is very common in ethnic groups in Xinjiang. According to some historical records, ancient people used to host horse racing events for several days in a row during the Spring Festival. They even take the result of the race as the basis for prediction of the harvest in the coming year. The activity has been an event for locals for a long time.

For example, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Kirgiz, Tadzhikistan and Uygur people like horse racing. The Kazakhstan herdsmen in the Altai Mountains, in particular, love horse racing, and their amazing skills are impressive.

Based on the historical records from the Yuan Dynasty, the race horsing activity was integrated with the military service system. Horse racing was also an important recreational activity for royal families and people with high social status and wealth.

There are often a lot of people at the finish line. When the champion rushes the finish line, there are cheers from the crowds. The winning horse will get the title of “best horse”. The winning competitor will also get some prizes. The top three winners often get livestock as prizes such as horses, camels and sheep. Other winners may get awards such as tapestry, silk and tea.

The winners are the focus of attention. However, junior competitors and those who manage to finish the competition are also respected by locals. The organizers always prepare a big prize for contestants who are very young and those who reach the finish line last to honor their courage as well as perseverance.

Some new physical activities such as polo, equestrian shooting and dressage that were recently added to the traditional horse racing activities make it even more inviting and exciting.




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