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Home> Destinations> Asia> Guilin> See> Natural Scene

Guanyang Qianjiadong (Thousands Caves) Scenic Area

Updated: 2015-03-02 / (wtcf.travel)

[Photo from guilin.com]

Qianjiadong (Thousands Caves) Scenic Area is located in Guanyang County, 150 kilometers northeast of Guilin city, Guangxi Province. Tourists from Hunan Province can get to Guanyang by driving along the Hengyang-Zaomupu highway or taking the Quanzhou-Xing’an high speed railways to Quanzhou County or Fenghuang County, before passing by Shitang County.

[Photo from guilin.com]

Tourists from Guangdong province can take the Guilin-Wuzhou high speed railway to Pingle County or Yangshuo County, before passing by the Gongcheng autonomous county. The smooth railway journey creates an ideal opportunity to appreciate the beautiful scenery as you travel cross-country.

Based on the natural landscapes of the Qianjiadong National-level Nature Reserve and profound culture of the Yao ethnicity - characterized by Yao-style buildings and unique clothing – the Qianjiadong Scenic Area has created a modern day Shangri-la, combining historical and cultural traditions with natural landscapes.


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