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Guilin Ludi (Reed Flute) AAAA Tourist Attraction

Updated: 2015-03-02 / (wtcf.travel)

The Guilin Ludi Scenic Area is among the first batch of national key scenic resorts to have been announced by the State Council and one of the first AAAA national-level scenic areas evaluated by the National Tourism Administration.

[Photo from guilin.com]

The scenic area features the stunning karst caves, such as the Ludi Cave; rivers, such as Taohuajiang (Peach Blossom) River and Fanglian Pool; as well as Houshan Hill, constituting beautiful pastoral scenery and winning the reputation of “Palace of Natural Art”.

Since its opening to the public, the Ludi Scenic Area has played host to over 300 heads of states and dignitaries from home and abroad, thus enjoying the reputation of the “State Guest Cave.”


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