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Jinzhongshan Mountain 4A Scenic Area

Updated: 2015-03-02 / (wtcf.travel)

[Photo from guilin.com]

The Jinzhongshan Mountain Scenic Area is a national AAAA Tourist Attraction located 50 kilometers southwest of Guilin in Luojin town, Yongfu county. The scenic area integrates the traditional culture of happiness and longevity into its primitive forest, which covers an area of 7 square kilometers.

The scenic area has many scenic spots such as Yongfu Rock, a karst wonder; Guilin Sinkhole, a marvelous geological phenomenon; Yongfu Hot Spring, a wholesome hot spring; and many other tourist resources. Together, these form a large-scale, diversified tourist resort, integrating natural scenery, hot springs, holiday hotels, and facilities for business meetings, hiking, entertainment and Outward Bound training for enterprises.

The Guilin Sinkhole is a geological wonder comprising of a karst cave and a sinkhole. Now it is the only karst cave in the Guilin tourist area which can be walked through the bottom.

Situated in the forest half way up the Qilin (Chinese unicorn) Mountain, the Yongfu Hot Spring is bathed in gushing water from its source 1,000 meters under the ground. The temperature of water delivery port is 56°C and makes part of a high-temperature hot spring. The water is rich in mineral substances and trace elements. Surrounded by trees, running springs, and cascading waterfalls the Yongfu Hot Spring is open to visitors all year round.


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